Our logo was designed and drawn by one of our own Mauldin Garden Club members.
Edie Hardin has been an artist since the early 1970s, and she and her husband, Floyd, have lived in Mauldin since 1976.
The Mauldin Garden Club logo is loosely based on the 2005 City of Mauldin’s logo with the additions of the South Carolina State Bird, the Carolina Wren, and a flowering branch of the City of Mauldin’s adopted tree, the Crepe Myrtle.
Our beautiful Mauldin Garden Club logo has received trademark and service mark registration with the state of South Carolina.
We use the logo for invitations, announcements, Club stationery, T-shirts, and, of course, on our website. You can also find our logo on the sign at the entrance to the Mauldin Cultural Center, where we have our regular meetings every second Tuesday, from September to May, at 7 p.m.
Our logo has become a symbol people recognize, and we are so thankful for Edie sharing her talents with the Mauldin Garden Club.